Empowering you on your journey toward optimal physical health!

Empowering you on your journey toward optimal physical health

Being Happy

Being Happy!

This is a fun little book that truly puts life into perspective. “Being Happy!” is a book about understanding yourself. It is a primer for every day life. You can read and learn more about the author, Andrew Mathews, and his other work/books at www.AndrewMatthews.com



Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly

We live in a society where it is not okay to be vulnerable. We are constantly bombarded and surrounded by shame. In this groundbreaking book, Brene’ Brown teaches us how to be vulnerable and that it is okay. This is one of those books that could change your life.



Living Life To The Fullest

Living Life To The Fullest

If you are an EDS/Hypermobile OR just need more strength in your body this is the book you should have in your library. Strength is your friend and Kevin has laid out an excellent plan for gaining strength and stability throughout your whole body.



Who Are You Choosing To Be

Who Are You Choosing To Be?

I love this book. It is filled with easy exercises to get your life on track. The author, Mark Edgar Stephens, is a body language expert, life coach, and a wonderful friend. To learn more about Mark and his work you can visit www.MarkEdgarStephens.com



Sugar Impact Diet

Sugar Impact Diet

JJ will open your eyes to the hidden sugars in almost all of our foods. For years fat has been labeled as EVIL, but JJ will show you that it isn’t fat but rather sugar that is killing our health.



Enter The Kettlebell

Enter The Kettlebell!

Pavel Tsatsouline is my hero! This is the book of the exercises that saved my back…literally. I truly believe that without kettlebells I wouldn’t be able to do my job. Using kettlebells keeps my back strong, allowing me to do my job as a chiropractor. You can learn more about Pavel and his work at www.StrongFirst.com



Alignment Matters

Alignment Matters

Katie Bowman has it going on! She walks the talk when it comes to living in a body as it was designed to live in. After you read this book, you just might have a Jungle Gym in your home…just like Katie does.

168 Hour Week

The 168 Hour Week

Dr. Kevin Hogan is not only a mentor, he is a dear friend. Anything that Kevin writes is pure gold…with a TON of research behind it. What I love about this book is that Kevin teaches you to achieve all of your goals without excluding fun from your life. To learn more about Kevin and his work feel free to visit www.KevinHogan.com



The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

What can I say? I truly LOVE and believe in the power of kettlebells. This book is for you once you’ve progressed beyond the exercises in, “Enter The Kettlebell!” As the author, Pavel Tsatsouline would say, “Power to you, Comrade!” www.StrongFirst.com



End Of Overeating

The End Of Overeating

The “food” companies hire people to figure out the right amount of sugar, salt, and fat to get you addicted to their product. This is a truly eye-opening read.



You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

We as a society are chronically dehydrated. We have lost our thirst so we tend not to drink. Our diet of processed foods makes us even more susceptible to dehydration. This book will convince you to drink your water.



Bulletproof Diet

The Bulletproof Diet

Lose Up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Your Energy and Focus, and Upgrade Your Life. Book Details



Mastering Cortisol

Mastering Cortisol

If your stress is over a 4 on a regular basis you need to read this book. Fatigue, belly fat, waking up between 2AM and 4AM can all be symptoms of Cortisol imbalance. This book will give you tools to get your Cortisol levels under control.



Becoming A Supple Leopard

Becoming A Supple Leopard

If you want to know how to keep your body working at optimum this book is a must read. Dr. Starrett will show you how to reduce tightness, improve mobility, and increase your strength. .

Being Happy

Being Happy!

This is a fun little book that truly puts life into perspective. “Being Happy!” is a book about understanding yourself. It is a primer for every day life. You can read and learn more about the author, Andrew Mathews, and his other work/books at www.AndrewMatthews.com



Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly

We live in a society where it is not okay to be vulnerable. We are constantly bombarded and surrounded by shame. In this groundbreaking book, Brene’ Brown teaches us how to be vulnerable and that it is okay. This is one of those books that could change your life.



Living Life To The Fullest

Living Life To The Fullest

If you are an EDS/Hypermobile OR just need more strength in your body this is the book you should have in your library. Strength is your friend and Kevin has laid out an excellent plan for gaining strength and stability throughout your whole body.



Who Are You Choosing To Be

Who Are You Choosing To Be?

I love this book. It is filled with easy exercises to get your life on track. The author, Mark Edgar Stephens, is a body language expert, life coach, and a wonderful friend. To learn more about Mark and his work you can visit www.MarkEdgarStephens.com



Sugar Impact Diet

Sugar Impact Diet

JJ will open your eyes to the hidden sugars in almost all of our foods. For years fat has been labeled as EVIL, but JJ will show you that it isn’t fat but rather sugar that is killing our health.



Enter The Kettlebell

Enter The Kettlebell!

Pavel Tsatsouline is my hero! This is the book of the exercises that saved my back…literally. I truly believe that without kettlebells I wouldn’t be able to do my job. Using kettlebells keeps my back strong, allowing me to do my job as a chiropractor. You can learn more about Pavel and his work at www.StrongFirst.com



Alignment Matters

Alignment Matters

Katie Bowman has it going on! She walks the talk when it comes to living in a body as it was designed to live in. After you read this book, you just might have a Jungle Gym in your home…just like Katie does.

168 Hour Week

The 168 Hour Week

Dr. Kevin Hogan is not only a mentor, he is a dear friend. Anything that Kevin writes is pure gold…with a TON of research behind it. What I love about this book is that Kevin teaches you to achieve all of your goals without excluding fun from your life. To learn more about Kevin and his work feel free to visit www.KevinHogan.com



The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

What can I say? I truly LOVE and believe in the power of kettlebells. This book is for you once you’ve progressed beyond the exercises in, “Enter The Kettlebell!” As the author, Pavel Tsatsouline would say, “Power to you, Comrade!”



End Of Overeating

The End Of Overeating

The “food” companies hire people to figure out the right amount of sugar, salt, and fat to get you addicted to their product. This is a truly eye-opening read.



You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

We as a society are chronically dehydrated. We have lost our thirst so we tend not to drink. Our diet of processed foods makes us even more susceptible to dehydration. This book will convince you to drink your water.



Bulletproof Diet

The Bulletproof Diet

Lose Up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Your Energy and Focus, and Upgrade Your Life. Book Details



Mastering Cortisol

Mastering Cortisol

If your stress is over a 4 on a regular basis you need to read this book. Fatigue, belly fat, waking up between 2AM and 4AM can all be symptoms of Cortisol imbalance. This book will give you tools to get your Cortisol levels under control.



Becoming A Supple Leopard

Becoming A Supple Leopard

If you want to know how to keep your body working at optimum this book is a must read. Dr. Starrett will show you how to reduce tightness, improve mobility, and increase your strength. .

Being Happy

Being Happy!

This is a fun little book that truly puts life into perspective. “Being Happy!” is a book about understanding yourself. It is a primer for every day life. You can read and learn more about the author, Andrew Mathews, and his other work/books at www.AndrewMatthews.com



Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly

We live in a society where it is not okay to be vulnerable. We are constantly bombarded and surrounded by shame. In this groundbreaking book, Brene’ Brown teaches us how to be vulnerable and that it is okay. This is one of those books that could change your life.



Living Life To The Fullest

Living Life To The Fullest

If you are an EDS/Hypermobile OR just need more strength in your body this is the book you should have in your library. Strength is your friend and Kevin has laid out an excellent plan for gaining strength and stability throughout your whole body.



Who Are You Choosing To Be

Who Are You Choosing To Be?

I love this book. It is filled with easy exercises to get your life on track. The author, Mark Edgar Stephens, is a body language expert, life coach, and a wonderful friend. To learn more about Mark and his work you can visit www.MarkEdgarStephens.com



Sugar Impact Diet

Sugar Impact Diet

JJ will open your eyes to the hidden sugars in almost all of our foods. For years fat has been labeled as EVIL, but JJ will show you that it isn’t fat but rather sugar that is killing our health.



Enter The Kettlebell

Enter The Kettlebell!

Pavel Tsatsouline is my hero! This is the book of the exercises that saved my back…literally. I truly believe that without kettlebells I wouldn’t be able to do my job. Using kettlebells keeps my back strong, allowing me to do my job as a chiropractor. You can learn more about Pavel and his work at www.StrongFirst.com



Alignment Matters

Alignment Matters

Katie Bowman has it going on! She walks the talk when it comes to living in a body as it was designed to live in. After you read this book, you just might have a Jungle Gym in your home…just like Katie does.

168 Hour Week

The 168 Hour Week

Dr. Kevin Hogan is not only a mentor, he is a dear friend. Anything that Kevin writes is pure gold…with a TON of research behind it. What I love about this book is that Kevin teaches you to achieve all of your goals without excluding fun from your life. To learn more about Kevin and his work feel free to visit www.KevinHogan.com



The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge

What can I say? I truly LOVE and believe in the power of kettlebells. This book is for you once you’ve progressed beyond the exercises in, “Enter The Kettlebell!” As the author, Pavel Tsatsouline would say, “Power to you, Comrade!”



End Of Overeating

The End Of Overeating

The “food” companies hire people to figure out the right amount of sugar, salt, and fat to get you addicted to their product. This is a truly eye-opening read.



You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty!

We as a society are chronically dehydrated. We have lost our thirst so we tend not to drink. Our diet of processed foods makes us even more susceptible to dehydration. This book will convince you to drink your water.



Bulletproof Diet

The Bulletproof Diet

Lose Up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Your Energy and Focus, and Upgrade Your Life. Book Details



Mastering Cortisol

Mastering Cortisol

If your stress is over a 4 on a regular basis you need to read this book. Fatigue, belly fat, waking up between 2AM and 4AM can all be symptoms of Cortisol imbalance. This book will give you tools to get your Cortisol levels under control.



Becoming A Supple Leopard

Becoming A Supple Leopard

If you want to know how to keep your body working at optimum this book is a must read. Dr. Starrett will show you how to reduce tightness, improve mobility, and increase your strength. .