Empowering you on your journey toward optimal physical health!
Empowering you on your journey toward optimal physical health
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Who Is Your Hero?
For years I never had a hero. There were many people who I respected and admired…but I never had someone who really inspired me…someone that would take my passion for life and what I do to another level…that is until I met Pavel Tsatsouline. Over the years my husband...
My Top 10 Rules For Exercise
Must be fun, okay…maybe enjoyable. I LOVE working out with kettlebells. If you hate what you are doing then try something else. Swimming, walking, pilates, gyrotonics, aerobics, yoga…. Your exercise must raise your heart rate. A slow stroll around the park is great...
Baby Steps
(Sure it’s a line out of the Bill Murray movie, “What About, Bob?” …but it can definitely help you get the results you want.) We all want change and we want it NOW! We want to lose weight, be healthier, be happier all in an instant. You and I both know that lasting...
Growing Old Is Not For Sissies
One thing I never let people say in my office is, “I guess I am just getting old”. I don’t let patients play the age card. I have seen patients of all ages make changes. It depends on IF you want to make a change. It does take effort and consistency. I tell my...